• Please note

    Registration for and access to view this session recording is available until July 16th, 2024 at 5 pm ET. We are unable to provide extensions.


    Those seeking landscape architecture CEUs (LA CES) must complete the quiz by 2 weeks after the live session date for credit.

Presenter: Kristine Boys

In this presentation Kristine will illustrate the results of her multi-year native lawn experiments at Cornell Botanic Gardens. She will discuss the species selection criterion, planting protocols, and management procedures that were employed. She will also discuss the native plant/insect/animal interactions that occurred during these trials, as well as the experimental lawn's ability to sustain itself over time with minimal additional inputs. Particularly when associated with other native plantings, these lawns can provide a key component for the maintenance reduction, habit creation, and visual delights that so many of today’s property owners desire.  

Date & Time: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 3:00 - 4:15 PM ET
-The session will be recorded and viewable to registrants for 3 months after the live session date. 

Location: Virtual

Fee: $42
-Wild Ones member discount: If you have already emailed your member status verification for a previous course, please look out for our email sending the new code for this Virtual Series. If you have not yet, please email verification of member status to [email protected] for discount code.
-Students please email verification of student status to [email protected] for discount code.
-Two free Student Scholarships are available for this session. Applications reviewed on a rolling basis. Please send letter of interest, resume, and verification of student status (ie. student ID, course schedule) to [email protected].

Event Category: Professional & non-professional

See here for details & instructions

Register by: 3 months after the live session date

We want to thank our Institutional Ally: 


Kristine (Krissy) Boys was introduced to native plant gardening in 1989 by the influential naturalist FM Mooberry, founder of The Millersville Native Plant Conference and the native plant gardens of the Brandywine Conservancy. Krissy has been a gardener for Cornell Botanic Gardens since 1992 and a Finger Lakes Native Plant Society founding member. Krissy is a speaker throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, focusing on the topics of propagating, gardening, and restoring natural areas with regionally native plants. 


Registration is open and recording is viewable for 3 months after the live session date. Students please email verification of student status to [email protected] for discount code.


  • Recording: Will this course be recorded for me to view later? Do I have to attend the live session in order to access the recording?

    The entire course will be recorded and available (not downloadable) to all registrants after the live session ends for three (3) months. If you are registered, you do not need to attend the live session in order to access the recording.

  • Recording: Can I purchase only the recording later?

    You can register for 3 months past the live session date, and access the materials - including the recording - until that point.

  • Webinar Platform: Which webinar platform will the live session be held on?

    Zoom Webinar. Please make sure to download the Zoom application (https://zoom.us/download) and download the latest Zoom update if needed prior to the live course. We recommend that you join at least 5-10 minutes prior to the start time. The instructor will use PowerPoint presentations. *If you have any technical difficulties during the session and need to contact us, please email Sara Weaner, NDAL Executive Director, at [email protected] instead of calling.*

  • Continuing Education Units (CEUs): Which CEUs are approved for this course?

    We are seeking approval for CEUs by the following organizations: APLD, LA CES, & NOFA.

  • Continuing Education Units (CEUs): Can I get CEUs for taking this course?

    As this is considered a live course, those seeking LA CES CEUs must watch the session and complete the quiz on the Portal by *two weeks* after the live session date. Ensure that your Portal profile indicates ASLA/LACES under the CEU section and email [email protected] if you make any changes to your profile CEU section. You will then receive an email with your completion certificate within 3-4 weeks. || For APLD & NOFA CEUs, please self-report to those organizations using your registration confirmation email.