Presenter: Larry Weaner, FAPLD

Wildflower meadows were introduced in the 1960’s along with tie dye tee shirts and kaleidoscopic acid trips. But like those acid trips, the colors didn’t last. Alternatively, by planting site-adapted and highly competitive native perennials, managed according to the ecological processes that govern native meadow vegetation in the wild, long-lived vibrant meadows can be consistently achieved. In this presentation plant selection criteria, planting procedures, and management techniques will be illustrated through a series of residential case studies, including some over two decades old.

Location: Virtual, on-demand recording

Duration of Access: The course recording is viewable for 3 months after your registration date

Fee: $38

Event Category: Non-Professional

Originally presented: February 15, 2022

Institutional Ally: 


Larry Weaner, FAPLD, founded Larry Weaner Landscape Associates in 1982 and established NDAL in 1990. He is nationally recognized for combining expertise in horticulture, landscape design, and ecological restoration. His design and restoration work spans more than twenty U.S. states and the U.K., and has been profiled in numerous national publications. His book Garden Revolution: How Our Landscapes Can Be a Source of Environmental Change (Timber Press 2016) received an American Horticultural Society Book Award in 2017, and in 2021 he received American Horticultural Society’s Landscape Design Award.

Photo by Kim Sokoloff


Recording is viewable for 3 months. Students please email verification of student status to [email protected] for discount code.