• Please note

    Registration for and access to view this session recording is available until Jan. 26th, 2024. We are unable to provide extensions.

Presenter: Clan Mother Shelley DePaul

Over the last year there has been a rising interest from various partners to provide information on Lenape plants and practice, and to consult on existing gardens in order to provide native species and medicinal herbs. This has come about at a time when it is crucial to instigate horticultural practices that will increase the production of organic foods, re-introduce native plants into the earth, and provide instruction on the use of medicinal herbs, all of which will help to ensure that the next seven generations of our children will be able to consume natural, nutritious food. This is the goal!

Date & Time: Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023, 7:00 - 8:15 PM ET
-The session will be recorded and viewable to registrants for 3 months after the live session date. 

Location: Virtual

Fee: $42
-Wild Ones member discount: please email verification of member status to [email protected] for discount code.
-Students please email verification of student status to [email protected] for discount code.
-Two free Student Scholarships are available for this session. Applications reviewed on a rolling basis. Please send letter of interest, resume, and verification of student status (ie. student ID, course schedule) to [email protected].

Event Category: Non-Professional
Please note: the speaker will not be using slides, but will provide a handout.


Register by: 3 months after the live session date

We want to thank our Institutional Ally: 


Clan Mother Shelley DePaul serves on the Council of the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania as Lenape Language Specialist and Treaty Signer Liaison. She teaches Lenape Language classes and presents educational programs on Lenape History and Culture. DePaul has conferred with numerous organizations regarding Lenape horticulture and medicinal plant practices. She is a PA State certified teacher with a BS in Secondary Education, English, and a MA in History.


Registration is open and recording is viewable for 3 months after the live session date. Students please email verification of student status to [email protected] for discount code.


  • Recording: Will this course be recorded for me to view later? Do I have to attend the live session in order to access the recording?

    The entire course will be recorded and available (not downloadable) to all registrants after the live session ends for three (3) months. If you are registered, you do not need to attend the live session in order to access the recording.

  • Recording: Can I purchase only the recording later?

    You can register for 3 months past the live session date, and access the materials - including the recording - until that point.

  • Webinar Platform: Which webinar platform will the live session be held on?

    Zoom Webinar. Please make sure to download the Zoom application (https://zoom.us/download) and download the latest Zoom update if needed prior to the live course. We recommend that you join at least 5-10 minutes prior to the start time. The instructor will use PowerPoint presentations. *If you have any technical difficulties during the session and need to contact us, please email Sara Weaner, NDAL Executive Director, at [email protected] instead of calling.*

  • Continuing Education Units (CEUs): Can I get CEUs for taking this course?

    As this is a non-professional session, there are no CEUs associated.