In the Field: Bridgestone Firestone Centennial Wilderness Wildlife Management Area, Sparta, TN | 6 hr | NEW DATE: October 12, 2022
Dwayne Estes and Larry Weaner | This session will be held entirely outdoors, limited attendance
In this field session we will have a rare opportunity to observe and compare - on a single site - planted and naturally occurring native landscapes varying in age and management regime. Examined landscapes will include “warm-season grass” meadows, cool-season grass pastures, restored pine-oak savanna, and dry/wet mixed hardwood woodlands.
Many of these landscapes contain high levels of native species diversity, including characteristic species of the Eastern Grassland. As a result of ecological and culture-based management procedures including selective timber harvests and prescribed fire, many of the species have rebounded naturally from the present seed/rootstock bank. At this site we will analyze the current plant communities, the natural and human activities that led to them, and how to translate that information into designed landscapes of various scales.
Cosponsored by Southeastern Grasslands Initiative
Date & Time: Wednesday, October 12th, 2022, 9 AM - 4:30 PM CT*
Location: Cumberland Plateau in White County Tennessee, Sparta, TN 38583
Fee: $235
Event Category: Professional
CEUs: APLD (3), ASLA/LACES (6), ISA (BCMA Science: 4; Certified Arborist: 6; Practice: 2; Utility Specialist: 4; Municipal Specialist: 6; Climber Specialist: 4; Aerial Lift Specialist: 4), NOFA (4)
See here for CEU instructions.
Register by: Wednesday, October 5th, 2022, 9 AM CT (1 week prior)
*Time listed above includes instructional time & breaks. There will be 6 session hours.
Light breakfast, lunch, and drinks are included in the registration fee.
Check-in & breakfast begin at 8:30 AM CT.
This session will be held entirely outdoors, limited attendance.
Dwayne Estes, PhD, is co-founder and executive director of the Southeastern Grasslands Initiative, a conservation organization affiliated with Austin Peay State University, which is dedicated to the protection and restoration of the Southeast’s native grasslands. In addition to his role as executive director of the Southeastern Grasslands Initiative, Dwayne is a Full Professor of Biology and Principal Investigator for the Center of Excellence for Field Biology at Austin Peay.
Larry Weaner, FAPLD, founded Larry Weaner Landscape Associates in 1982 and established NDAL in 1990. He is nationally recognized for combining expertise in horticulture, landscape design, and ecological restoration. His design and restoration work spans more than twenty U.S. states and the U.K., and has been profiled in numerous national publications. His book Garden Revolution: How Our Landscapes Can Be a Source of Environmental Change (2016) received an American Horticultural Society Book Award in 2017, and in 2021 he received American Horticultural Society’s Landscape Design Award.