The Benefits of Grazing in Grassland Restoration | April 4, 2024
1.25 Hrs Virtual | Rick Rath
Prior to European settlement, native grasslands were heavily influenced by fire and the subsequent herbivory of many native grazers including elk and bison. Today, only a small fraction of these once pervasive grasslands exist, leading to a considerable interest in their restoration. Reintroducing a grazing regime to these restored grasslands is essential to capitalizing on the true ecological treasures that prairies possess. As many of these grasslands are working lands, Rick will describe the “conservation grazing” methodology, an approach that falls at the intersection of restoration ecology and ranching, and is of equal value to practitioners of both.
Date & Time: Thursday, April 4, 2024, 3:00 - 4:15 PM ET
-The session will be recorded and viewable to registrants for 3 months after the live session date.
Location: Virtual
Fee: $42
-Wild Ones member discount: If you have already emailed your member status verification for a previous course, please look out for our email sending the new code for this Virtual Series. If you have not yet, please email verification of member status to [email protected] for discount code.
-Students please email verification of student status to [email protected] for discount code.
-Two free Student Scholarships are available for this session. Applications reviewed on a rolling basis. Please send letter of interest, resume, and verification of student status (ie. student ID, course schedule) to [email protected].
Event Category: Professional
Stay tuned for details & instructions
Register by: 3 months after the live session date
We want to thank our Institutional Ally:
Rick Rath is a District Supervisor for the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) overseeing both public land management and Private Land Conservationists in Southwest Missouri. Rick has served with MDC in this area for nearly 20 years in a variety of roles, all related to the management and restoration of Tallgrass prairies. Through his own experiences on his grass-fed cattle operation and his professional work, Rick has developed a strong interest and specializes in prairie management and incorporating native forages into grazing operations.
The entire course will be recorded and available (not downloadable) to all registrants after the live session ends for three (3) months. If you are registered, you do not need to attend the live session in order to access the recording.
You can register for 3 months past the live session date, and access the materials - including the recording - until that point.
Zoom Webinar. Please make sure to download the Zoom application ( and download the latest Zoom update if needed prior to the live course. We recommend that you join at least 5-10 minutes prior to the start time. The instructor will use PowerPoint presentations. *If you have any technical difficulties during the session and need to contact us, please email Sara Weaner, NDAL Executive Director, at [email protected] instead of calling.*
We are seeking approval for CEUs by the following organizations: APLD, LA CES, & NOFA.
As this is considered a live course, those seeking LA CES CEUs must watch the session and complete the quiz on the Portal by *two weeks* after the live session date. Ensure that your Portal profile indicates ASLA/LACES under the CEU section and email [email protected] if you make any changes to your profile CEU section. You will then receive an email with your completion certificate within 3-4 weeks. || For APLD & NOFA CEUs, please self-report to those organizations using your registration confirmation email.