• Please note

    Registration for and access to this session is available until June 14th, 2023. If you would like to register, please keep in mind that you have until that date to watch the session recording.

Photo by Mark Weaner

Presenter: Douglas Sponsler

Together, flowering plants and flower-visiting insects make up a third of the Earth’s species. In this talk, we will trace the relationship between flowers and insects from the primordial forests of the Cretaceous to your backyard garden. Along the way, we will discuss the limitations and potential of gardens as pollinator habitat, and we will explore how gardening might be reimagined as a cooperative, landscape-scale practice that could change the ecological meaning of cities and suburbs.

Date & Time: Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 2:00 - 3:15 PM EST
-The session will be recorded and viewable to registrants for 3 months after the live session date.

Location: Virtual

Fee: $42
-Students please email verification of student status to [email protected] for discount code.
-Two free Student Scholarships are available for this session. Applications reviewed on a rolling basis. Please send letter of interest, resume, and verification of student status (ie. student ID, course schedule) to [email protected].

Event Category: Non-Professional


Register by: 3 months after the live session date



Registration is open and recording is viewable for 3 months after the live session date. Students please email verification of student status to [email protected] for discount code.


Douglas Sponsler, PhD, was born and raised in Philadelphia, where his love for nature grew out of time spent in urban parks and gardens. He completed his PhD in entomology at Ohio State University, did a postdoc at Penn State University, and is currently a postdoc at the University of Würzburg in Germany. From the fields of Ohio, to the rooftops of Philly, to the Alps of Germany, the theme of his work has been the relationship between flowers, insects, and people.


  • Recording: Will this course be recorded for me to view later? Do I have to attend the live session in order to access the recording?

    The entire course will be recorded and available (not downloadable) to all registrants after the live session ends for three (3) months. If you are registered, you do not need to attend the live session in order to access the recording.

  • Recording: Can I purchase only the recording later?

    You can register for 3 months past the live session date, and access the materials - including the recording - until that point.

  • Webinar Platform: Which webinar platform will the live session be held on?

    Zoom Webinar. Please make sure to download the Zoom application (https://zoom.us/download) and download the latest Zoom update if needed prior to the live course. We recommend that you join at least 5-10 minutes prior to the start time. The instructor will use PowerPoint presentations. *If you have any technical difficulties during the session and need to contact us, please email Sara Weaner, NDAL Executive Director, at [email protected] instead of calling.*

  • Continuing Education Units (CEUs): Can I get CEUs for taking this course?

    As this is a non-professional session, there are no CEUs associated.